Here’s the PDF from my presentation to the Atkinson Centre Early Years Task Force from this morning May 9th. This is a crucial election for families who care about child care and the different policy approaches to child care funding would have VERY different effects. Presentation at OISE on Affordable for All report
Why free preschool child care makes the most sense for Ontario families
My article in The Conversation Canada (sign up here to get this digital publication – argues that providing free child care for Ontario’s preschool children will avoid many of the problems Quebec had in expanding its child care system.
Doug Ford, what is your child care plan?
The Toronto Star published my op-ed today. See more below:
What will Ontario PC leader Doug Ford do for children and families in this election? The Liberals and the NDP have set a high bar with their child care funding announcements – free preschool child care with the Liberals and fees based on income averaging $12 a day with the NDP.
Download Winnipeg conference materials
From the ‘Child Care for a Change! Shaping the 21st Century’ conference
Slides for a Presentation to the “Winnipeg” Conference (in the form of a letter to Minister Ken Dryden)
Financing Canada’s Child Care System: A Letter to Ken
Conference Paper: Financing Early Learning and Child Care in Canada
Download a PDF of the paper or read the summary.